THE BITS THAT DIDN’T FIT is a collection of stories inhabited by the loose nuts, bolts and washers of society. Tales told by the queer, the quirky and the downright demented.
The misfits of society. The sad, the sick, the funny and the tragic. The bits that don’t fit.
This collection is populated by taxi drivers, punk musicians, a bunch of blokes, and their girlfriends, and the cast of Pride and Prejudice. It covers the rise and fall of a punk band, observations of society from behind the wheel of a cab and more failing relationships than you can poke a spanner at.
Some of these stories were intended to be part of my novel, The Road Behind, but they didn’t fit. Some were written long ago and have been wandering the streets searching for a home ever since. Some were penned especially for this collection and some are made up of odd bits and pieces – patched together like Frankenstein’s monster.
I bring you those bits: tales of comedy, tragedy and pornography; of rock n roll, of lost souls, and a little historical romance to fill in the holes.
The story of Elizabeth Bennett’s nymphomaniac sister didn’t fit Jane Austen’s tale, and doesn’t really fit these bits either. Yet, perversely, here it is.
Available in paperback or as a Kindle or Kobo eBook.