Have completed the first draft of “It Grows on Trees”, the continuation of the Kidman family saga. It’s eleven years on and Mark’s father is dying. His son, Nelson, takes up the story.
Have you ever noticed that jokes are always funny? Well, they’re meant to be. Why don’t we have sad jokes? I’m serious. There’s a standard format for all jokes: there’s a set-up – or story – then there’s the punch line – which is funny. Why don’t we have punch lines which are profound, poignant and a little sad?
Like, there’s an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman go into a bar and the barman says, ‘My father used to beat me. But abusive childhoods are quite common in the hospitality industry.’
It’s just an idea.
No, it’s really just another way to deflect attention from my life gurgling down the plug hole.
an excerpt from The Road Behind
Shortlisted for the Ada Cambridge Award 2015
I’ve been shortlisted, again, for the Ada Cambridge Award. I’m yet to win the big prize. Maybe this will be my year.
The multi-talented Peter Rowley launched Walking the Dog
The multi-talented New Zealand actor, comedian and dog impersonator, Peter Rowley, launched Walking the Dog at the Williamstown Library gallery, as part of Willy Lit Fest 2014.
Warning: Walking the Dog contains no drugs or rock n roll
Just sex, dogs and going for a stroll.